Kathryn Schulz

No matter how hard it may seem at the time, things will get better with hard work. It does not come easy but you can overcome any obstacle. No dream is too big.

Favorite quote: “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle” – Christian D. Larso

Hobby: Photograph and Strength Training.

Favorite place in Cyprus? Everywhere, I really like to explore. I have all over the island.

Favorite food: Pasta.

Winter or summer? Summer.

Who are you gonna support next World Cup? France.

How about in the Women’s World Cup? USA.

Favorite football player (man/ woman)? Paul Pogba and Julie Ertz

Besides football, do you play another sport? Basketball.

One dream: To play in the champions league.

About her Career

When did you start playing?

At the age of 5.

Clubs you have played?

Wayzata Soccer Club, Wayzata High School, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Minnesota Twinstars, THOI Lakatamia.

Highlight/ favorite moment?

Winning Back to Back state championships with Wayzata High School.

National Team?


What’s the best part about playing in Cyprus?

Getting submerged in the culture and meeting so many great people.

And what do you believe is the big challenge about playing in Cyprus?

I think that the biggest challenge is the publicity and number of players that are here in Cyprus. The league is not very large and the difference in competition levels from the top of the league to the bottom can be frustrating at times.

Any advice for the next generation of Cypriot players?

No matter how hard it may seem at the time, things will get better with hard work. It does not come easy but you can overcome any obstacle. No dream is too big.

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